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ASCENT: Patient Subgroup Analyses of Sacituzumab Govitecan vs Single-Agent CT in Metastatic TNBC After ≥2 Prior CT Regimens

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In subgroup analyses of the phase III ASCENT trial, sacituzumab govitecan maintained benefit and a consistent safety profile vs single-agent chemotherapy among patients aged ≥65 years, among those in the second-line setting with disease TNBC recurrence ≤12 months after (neo)adjuvant therapy, and when compared with individual chemotherapy agents.

Released: June 08, 2021

Expiration: June 07, 2022


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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by educational grants from


Amgen, Inc.


Bristol Myers Squibb

Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.


Gilead Sciences, Inc.


Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Inc

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Pfizer, Inc.

Pharmacyclics LLC an AbbVie Company and Janssen Biotech Inc

Sanofi Genzyme