HBV Treatment/Care Retention in African Communities
HBV Treatment and Retention in Care Among African Communities in the US

Released: November 14, 2022

Expiration: November 13, 2023

Janet Afoakwah
Janet Afoakwah, MPH
William Amiteye
William Amiteye,
Bright Ansah
Bright Ansah,
Patricia D. Jones
Patricia D. Jones, MD, MSCR


Course Completed

Patient advocate Bright Ansah shares some issues he encountered while seeking treatment after his diagnosis with HBV, including limited follow-up on lab results and a lack of compassion from his healthcare providers, and rushed health appointments.

Bright’s story opens up a conversation about broader concerns about HBV treatment and retention in care with Janet Afoakwah and William Amiteye, fellow patient advocates on the panel, and Patricia D. Jones, MD, MSCR, who offers a healthcare provider’s perspective. They also discuss practical solutions to those barriers, including ways to establish trust with the patient, emphasizing active listening and compassionate care during appointments, and collaborating with patients on their options and next steps.