ProCE Banner Activity

Key Slides on Switching ART in a Heavily Treatment-Experienced Patient With HIV

Slideset Download
Case Challenge
Download this expert-authored slideset to review guidelines and key data on switching ART in a heavily-treatment experienced patient with HIV and multiclass drug resistance.

Released: March 24, 2021

Expiration: March 23, 2022



Roger Bedimo

Roger Bedimo, MD, MS, FACP

Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Section Chief
Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Internal Medicine
VA North Texas Health Care System
Dallas, Texas

David A. Wohl

David A. Wohl, MD

Professor of Medicine
School of Medicine
Site Leader, Global Clinical Trials Unit-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
ProCE Banner


ViiV Healthcare

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Roger Bedimo, MD, MS, FACP

Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Section Chief
Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Internal Medicine
VA North Texas Health Care System
Dallas, Texas

David A. Wohl, MD

Professor of Medicine
School of Medicine
Site Leader, Global Clinical Trials Unit-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina