ProCE Banner Activity

How to Screen for Hepatitis Delta Virus

Podcast Episodes

Listen as experts discuss how to screen for HDV according to a validated algorithm and how to increase HDV testing rates.

Released: February 23, 2023

Expiration: February 22, 2024



Coleman I. Smith

Coleman I. Smith, MD

Professor of Medicine
Georgetown Transplant Institute
Georgetown University
Washington, DC

Lydia Tang

Lydia Tang, MBChB

Assistant Professor
Department of Infectious Diseases
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Institute of Human Virology
Baltimore, Maryland

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC

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Supported by an educational grant from

Gilead Sciences, Inc.



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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Coleman I. Smith, MD

Professor of Medicine
Georgetown Transplant Institute
Georgetown University
Washington, DC

Coleman I. Smith, MD: researcher: AbbVie, Genfit, Gilead Sciences.

Lydia Tang, MBChB

Assistant Professor
Department of Infectious Diseases
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Institute of Human Virology
Baltimore, Maryland

Lydia Tang, MBChB: researcher: Gilead Sciences.