ProCE Banner Activity

MM29: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

In this concise presentation, Professor Yee-Sin Leo reviews vaccine hesitancy data, and the factors that impact vaccine hesitancy.

Released: December 24, 2020

Expiration: December 23, 2021


Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
ProCE Banner


Educational grant provided by

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Learning Objectives


Clinical Care Options, LLC (CCO) requires instructors, planners, managers, and other individuals who are in a position to control the content of this activity to disclose any relevant conflict of interest (COI) they may have as related to the content of this activity. All identified COI are thoroughly vetted and resolved according to CCO policy. CCO is committed to providing its learners with high-quality CME/CE activities and related materials that promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.

The faculty reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouse/life partner have with commercial interests related to the content of this CME/CE activity:

Disclosure of Unlabeled Use

This educational activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. The planners of this activity do not recommend the use of any agent outside of the labeled indications.

The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of the planners. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.


Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The information presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for patient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient’s conditions and possible contraindications and/or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.