ProCE Banner Activity

Answering the Questions on Considering an ART Switch During Pregnancy

Podcast Episodes
Hear from expert faculty as they answer questions and discuss key considerations when determining whether and how to switch antiretroviral therapy in pregnant people with HIV.

Released: December 19, 2022

Expiration: December 18, 2023



Annette Haberl

Annette Haberl, MD

Head of HIV and Women, HIVCENTER Frankfurt
Department of Infectious Diseases
Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Frankfurt, Germany

William R. Short

William R. Short, MD, MPH, FIDSA

Associate Director of the HIV Clinical Trials Unit
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Provided by

ProCE Banner


Gilead Sciences, Inc.

ViiV Healthcare

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Annette Haberl, MD

Head of HIV and Women, HIVCENTER Frankfurt
Department of Infectious Diseases
Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Frankfurt, Germany

Annette Haberl, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: Gilead, Janssen Cilag, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, ViiV.

William R. Short, MD, MPH, FIDSA

Associate Director of the HIV Clinical Trials Unit
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

William R. Short, MD, MPH, AAHIVS: non-CME/CE services: Janssen; consultant/advisor/speaker: ViiV.