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Choosing ART for HIV With HBV and HCV Coinfections: Using HIV-ASSIST

Clinical Thought

It is not uncommon for people with HIV to be coinfected with either HBV or HCV. Here’s how I use HIV-ASSIST to guide management of HIV with these coinfections.

Released: April 27, 2023



Carolyn Chu

Carolyn Chu, MD, MSc, FAAFP, AAHIVS

Chief Medical Officer
American Academy of HIV Medicine
Chief Clinical Officer
National Clinician Consultation Center

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, produced in collaboration with HIV-ASSIST, HealthHIV, and Practicing Clinicians Exchange

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Supported by educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Inc. and ViiV Healthcare.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

ViiV Healthcare



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Practicing Clinicians Exchange

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Primary Author

Carolyn Chu, MD, MSc, FAAFP, AAHIVS

Chief Medical Officer
American Academy of HIV Medicine
Chief Clinical Officer
National Clinician Consultation Center

Carolyn Chu, MD, MSc, FAAFP, AAHIVS, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.