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First Steps in Identifying and Managing Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis

Clinical Thought

An expert provides insights on best practices for identification and management of Parkinson’s disease psychosis.

Released: October 27, 2022

Expiration: October 26, 2023


Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC

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Supported by educational grants from

Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Marwan Noel Sabbagh, MD, FAAN, FANA

Moreno Family Chair for Alzheimer’s Research
Vice Chairman for Research and Professor
Department of Neurology
Barrow Neurological Institute
Phoenix, Arizona

Marwan Sabbagh, MD, FAAN: consultant/advisor/speaker: Alzheon, Biogen, Eisai, Genentech-Roche, KeifeRx, Lilly, NeuroTherapia, Novo Nordisk, Signant Health, Synaptogenix, T3D; ownership interest (stocks/stock options): Athira, Cortexyme/Quince Therapeutics, NeuroReserve, NeuroTau, Optimal Cognitive Health Company, Seq BioMarque, TransDermix, uMethod Health, Versanum; royalties or patent beneficiary: Humanix.