ProCE Banner Activity

Expert Answers to Key Questions on Diagnosing and Managing COPD

Clinical Thought

Learn strategies for diagnosing and managing COPD according to current data and guidelines to improve patient outcomes, including when to add inhaled corticosteroids, utilize double vs triple therapy, switch to a nebulizer, and screen patients for lung cancer using low-dose CT.

Released: July 24, 2024

Expiration: July 23, 2025



Mark H Gotfried

Mark H Gotfried, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC in partnership with Practicing Clinicians Exchange, LLC

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Supported by educational grants from Mylan Specialty L.P., a Viatris Company

Mylan Specialty L.P., a Viatris Company


Practicing Clinicians Exchange

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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Mark H Gotfried, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona

Mark H. Gotfried, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: GlaxoSmithKline, Idorsia.