First-line ART for HIV
Selecting First-line ART in Treatment-Naive Persons With HIV

Released: December 29, 2022

Expiration: December 28, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, Princy N. Kumar, MD, FIDSA, MACP, discusses key considerations for selecting ART in treatment-naive persons with HIV. Her discussion includes:

  • DHHS Treatment Guideline recommendations
  • Choosing among first-line recommended integrase inhibitors
  • Recommended regimens for rapid ART start
  • Select key studies in treatment-naïve adults:
    • AMBER study of virologic response with DRV/COBI/FTC/TAF vs DRV/COBI + TFC/TDF
    • DRIVE-AHEAD and DRIVE-FORWARD efficacy study results, including resistance analyses of DOR + 2 NRTIs vs EFV or (DRV + RTV) + 2 NRTIs
    • Safety and efficacy results from GEMINI-1 and GEMINI comparing DTG + 3TC vs DTG + FTC/TDF
  • The current/possible role of boosted PIs and NNRTIs
  • Selection considerations between TDF and TAF