HBV Care in Lockdown
Lessons From Lockdown: Caring for Patients With Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the COVID-19 Era—Audio Recap

Released: February 24, 2022

Expiration: February 23, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, Drs Norah Terrault, MD, MPH, and Grace LH Wong, MD, share lessons learned in the care of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the COVID-19 era, including:

  • HBV cascade of care before vs during the pandemic
  • Innovative strategies to improve HBV diagnosis and linkage to care
  • Lessons learned in telemedicine
  • Elimination through vaccination
  • Management of HBV and COVID-19 coinfection
  • Management of elevated liver enzymes in COVID-19