HBV Linkage to Care in Asian Communities
Linkage to Care After HBV Diagnosis in Asian Communities in the US

Released: November 14, 2022

Expiration: November 13, 2023


Course Completed

This episode is part of a larger discussion that comes from “Partnering With Patients: Overcoming Barriers to HBV Care in Asian Communities in the US.” Hear from Thuan Vu, MD, as he discusses linkage to care after HBV diagnosis in Asian communities from a provider’s perspective. And listen to discussions with Jennifer Wild, MSN, BSN, RN, OCN, and Melinda Tran as they consider his story from a patient advocacy point of view.

Topics include barriers to linkage to care like social stigma, lack of insurance coverage, financial support, and a lack of physicians who speak the patient’s native language.