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HCV Elimination in Spain: Overcoming Challenges in High-Risk Populations

Clinical Thought
Spain has the highest HCV treatment rate among European nations, yet challenges remain for our goal of eliminating HCV by 2030. Read my take on how we should best implement national strategies at the local level in high-priority populations.

Released: July 05, 2019

Expiration: July 03, 2020



Marta Torrens

Marta Torrens, MD

Associate Professor
Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Head of Addiction Program
Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addiction
Barcelona, Spain

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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by an educational grant from




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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Marta Torrens, MD

Associate Professor
Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Head of Addiction Program
Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addiction
Barcelona, Spain

Marta Torrens, MD, has disclosed that she has received consulting fees and fees for non-CME/CE services from Gilead Sciences and Merck.