ProCE Banner Activity

Models of Care for HCV Among PWID: What’s Working?

Clinical Thought
People who inject drugs continue to be a marginalized population in the United States with substantial unmet medical needs, including bearing a majority proportion of the burden of HCV infection. What models of care can we implement to improve linkage to care and treatment outcomes?

Released: June 14, 2019

Expiration: June 12, 2020



Alain H. Litwin

Alain H. Litwin, MD

Professor of Medicine
University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Greenville
Clemson University
Vice Chair of Academics and Research
Prisma Health
Executive Director
Addiction Resource Center
Greenville, South Carolina

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Gilead Text



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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Alain H. Litwin, MD

Professor of Medicine
University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Greenville
Clemson University
Vice Chair of Academics and Research
Prisma Health
Executive Director
Addiction Resource Center
Greenville, South Carolina

Alain H. Litwin, MD, has disclosed that he has served on advisory boards for AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, and Merck and has received funds for research support from Gilead Sciences and Merck.