CROI 2024 HIV Podcast
Key HIV Studies From CROI 2024 Influencing Clinical Practice

Released: March 29, 2024

Expiration: March 28, 2025


Course Completed

In this episode, Joseph J. Eron, Jr., MD, and Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, discuss the key HIV studies from CROI 2024 that are influencing their clinical practice, including:

  • New data surrounding long-acting ART, including:
    • The CARES study of LA CAB + RPV in a Sub-Saharan African population using a public health approach
    • The IMPAACT 2017 MOCHA study evaluating switching to LA CAB + RPV in adolescents living with HIV
    • The ACTG A5359 LATITUDE study of LA CAB + RPV in people with adherence challenges to oral ART
    • Updated data from San Francisco’s Ward 86 Clinic using LA CAB + RPV in people without viral suppression at baseline
    • Case series of LA CAB (± RPV) + LEN for select people living with HIV unable to take oral ART and unable to use LA CAB + RPV alone
  • Data on comorbidities and coinfections, including:
    • A REPRIEVE proteomic analysis to elucidate mechanistic pathways of statin effects on plaque
    • The ACTG A5371 SLIM LIVER study of semaglutide for MASLD in people living with HIV
    • The impact of Doxy-PEP guideline implementation on STIs in men who have sex with men and transgender women in San Francisco
  • Potential novel treatment options on the horizon for people living with HIV, including:
    • Phase II data on LEN + ISL dosed orally once weekly
    • Early data on other oral weekly options
    • Data on bNAbs in combination or with other ART agents