CROI 2024 Pharmacist HIV Perspectives
Integrating New Data From CROI 2024: Pharmacist Perspectives

Released: May 02, 2024

Expiration: May 01, 2025


Course Completed

In this episode, Samantha Strong, PharmD, BCACP, AAHIVP, CDCES, and Nimish Patel, PharmD, PhD, AAHIVP, cover the most impactful clinical studies presented at CROI 2024, including:

  • New data on long-acting ART, including:
    • The CARES study of LA CAB + RPV in a sub-Saharan African population using a public health approach
    • The IMPAACT 2017 MOCHA study evaluating switching to LA CAB + RPV in adolescents living with HIV
    • The ACTG A5359 LATITUDE study of LA CAB + RPV in people with adherence challenges to oral ART
    • Updated data from San Francisco’s Ward 86 Clinic using LA CAB + RPV in people without viral suppression at baseline
    • Case series of LA CAB (± RPV) + LEN for select people living with HIV unable to take oral ART and unable to use LA CAB + RPV alone
  • Data on HIV and STI prevention, including:
    • The impact of Doxy-PEP guideline implementation on STIs in men who have sex with men and transgender women in San Francisco
    • BIC/FTC/TAF for PEP
    • Offering PrEP following PEP