HIV Care Delivery


Where We Are: Innovations in HIV Care Delivery

Nurses: 0.75 Nursing contact hour

Physicians: maximum of 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Pharmacists: 0.75 contact hour (0.075 CEUs)

Released: November 01, 2023

Expiration: October 31, 2024


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Course Completed

In this first of 3 episodes, global HIV experts and advocates discuss how innovative models of care are minimizing barriers to HIV care engagement to improve uptake by key underserved populations, including:

  • How peer support programs empower people to combat stigma, become more educated about treatment, and be engaged participants in their HIV care
  • Strategies for addressing potential unmet mental healthcare needs among people living with HIV
  • Approaches to reengage people with HIV who transit through county jail systems
  • How integrated care strategies and wrap-around services can overcome some of the barriers to care that are associated with social determinants of health
  • Key considerations when providing HIV care for migrant and refugee populations