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State of the ART: Novel Antiretrovirals at AIDS 2024

Conference Coverage
Clinical Thought

Despite the advantages of highly effective, once-daily, single-tablet regimens and injectable, long-acting ART for HIV, new drugs would provide better opportunities for each individual to find the optimal treatment for their needs. Read on to learn about novel antiretrovirals highlighted at AIDS 2024!

Released: August 22, 2024

Expiration: August 21, 2025



Daniel R Kuritzkes

Daniel R Kuritzkes, MD

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC.

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Supported by educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Inc. and ViiV Healthcare.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

ViiV Healthcare



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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Daniel R Kuritzkes, MD

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: AbbVie, Atea, Decoy, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Shionogi, ViiV.