Q&A: HDV Management Episode 3
Hepatitis Delta in Focus: Episode 3 of Answering the Questions on Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Released: June 19, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, Nancy Reau, MD, and Heiner Wedemeyer, MD, provide expert insight on HDV management, including:
     - Use of noninvasive imaging or biopsy for staging liver disease 
     - Screening for hepatocellular carcinoma
     - HBV treatment
     - Role of comedications (eg, erythropoietin, eltrombopag)
     - Approach to complex cases, such as patients with:
             - Significant fibrosis and low HDV RNA levels
             - Hepatitis delta antibody positivity, but HDV RNA negativity
             - HIV coinfection
             - Decompensated or recently decompensated cirrhosis