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Congress to Clinic: Expert Takeaways on Emerging Data for MDS

Podcast Episodes

Audio podcast with key clinical highlights for myelodysplastic syndromes from the 2024 ASCO annual meeting and the EHA 2024 Congress. Listen to an expert analysis of new trial results with an emphasis on practical perspectives and summarizing the relevant clinically important takeaway points for everyday practice. 

Released: July 08, 2024

Expiration: July 07, 2025



Courtney DiNardo

Courtney DiNardo, MD, MSCE

Professor of Medicine
Department of Leukemia
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Brady L. Stein

Brady L. Stein, MD, MHS

Professor of Medicine
Department of Hematology/Oncology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, Illinois

Eunice S. Wang

Eunice S. Wang, MD

Chief, Leukemia and Benign Hematology Service
Professor of Oncology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC

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Supported by an educational grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb

Bristol Myers Squibb


Primary Author

Courtney DiNardo, MD, MSCE

Professor of Medicine
Department of Leukemia
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Courtney DiNardo, MD, MSCE: consultant/advisor/speaker: AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Genmab, GlaxoSmithKline, Notable Labs, Rigel, Schrödinger, Servier; researcher: AbbVie, Astex, Bristol Myers Squibb, Foghorn, Jazz, Schrödinger, Servier.

Brady L. Stein, MD, MHS

Professor of Medicine
Department of Hematology/Oncology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, Illinois

Brady L. Stein, MD, MHS, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. 

Eunice S. Wang, MD

Chief, Leukemia and Benign Hematology Service
Professor of Oncology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York

Eunice S. Wang, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: AbbVie, Blueprint, Bristol Myers Squibb, CTI Biopharma, Daiichi Sankyo, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Immunogen, Johnson & Johnson, Kite, Kura, Novartis, Qiagen, Rigel, Schrodinger, Sellas, Stemline, Sumitomo, Syndax.