ProCE Banner Activity

ExpressPoints: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Discussion on the Use of Asparaginase Therapy in Young and Older Adults

Slideset Download

Download this slideset for a summary of the latest strategies for integrating asparaginase-containing chemotherapy regimens into the optimal management of ALL in adolesent/young adult and adult patients.

Released: December 20, 2022

Expiration: December 19, 2023



Daniel J. DeAngelo

Daniel J. DeAngelo, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Chief, Division of Leukemia
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, Massachusetts

Emily Curran

Emily Curran, MD

Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Kjeld Schmiegelow

Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, DMSci

Department of Pediatric Oncology
Righospitalet University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC

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Supported by an educational grant from

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Program Director Disclosure

Program Director

Daniel J. DeAngelo, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Chief, Division of Leukemia
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, Massachusetts

Daniel J. DeAngelo, MD, PhD: researcher: AbbVie, Blueprint, GlycoMimetics, Novartis; consultant: AbbVie, Agios, Amgen, Autolus, Blueprint, Forty-Seven, Gilead Sciences, GlycoMimetics, Incyte, Jazz, Kite, Novartis, Pfizer, Servier, Takeda; DSMB: Daiichi-Sanko, Fibrogen.

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Emily Curran, MD

Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Emily Curran, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: Amgen, Incyte, Kite, Pfizer, Servier, Tempus.

Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, DMSci

Department of Pediatric Oncology
Righospitalet University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark

Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, DMSci: consultant/advisor/speaker: Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Servier.