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Our Experiences With PARP Inhibitors and Mirvetuximab Soravtansine in Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Clinical Thought

Expert faculty describe their experiences with PARP inhibitors and mirvetuximab soravtansine in patients with ovarian cancer and how they manage the conversation around adverse events.

Released: July 07, 2023


Provided by

Provided by ProCE, LLC, in partnership with Clinical Care Options, LLC and the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA)

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Supported by educational grants from GSK and Novocure, Inc.


Novocure, Inc


Clinical Care Options, LLC

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Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA)

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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Sarah Hayward, PharmD, BCOP

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Gynecologic OncologyStephenson Cancer Center at OU HealthOklahoma City, Oklahoma

Sarah Hayward, PharmD, BCOP: consultant/advisor/speaker: Immunogen, Merck, Seagen/Genmab.

Amy Indorf, PharmD, BCOP

Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Washington
School of Pharmacy
Clinical Oncology Pharmacist
UW Medicine
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Seattle, Washington

Amy Ly Indorf, PharmD, BCOP, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.