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How I Am Using Immunotherapy in the Management of Metastatic TNBC

Clinical Thought
Now that atezolizumab is approved for the treatment of metastatic TNBC, are you informed on how to best use this agent in your clinical practice? Read this expert commentary to get up to speed.

Released: April 02, 2020

Expiration: April 01, 2021



Hope S. Rugo

Hope S. Rugo, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine
UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California

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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by an educational grant from

Genentech TEXT Only

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Hope S. Rugo, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine
UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California

Hope S. Rugo, MD, has disclosed that she has received funds for research support from Daiichi, Eisai, Genentech, Immunomedics, Lilly, MacroGenics, Merck, Novartis, OBI, Odonate, Pfizer, and Seattle Genetics; has received consulting fees from Ionis and Celltrion; and has received support for travel from Amgen, AstraZeneca, Daiichi, MacroGenics, Merck, Pfizer, and Puma.