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Expert Pathologists Answer Questions on Molecular Testing and Diagnosis in MDS

Clinical Thought
In this commentary, 3 pathologists answer audience questions on MDS posed during a live symposium on next-generation sequencing, FISH testing, and diagnosis.

Released: November 15, 2022

Expiration: November 14, 2023



Tal Oren

Tal Oren, MD, PhD

Stamford Hospital
Stamford, Connecticut

Alexa J. Siddon

Alexa J. Siddon, MD

Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Hematopathology Fellowship Director
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut

Cecilia Yeung

Cecilia Yeung, MD

Associate Professor
Clinical Research Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by an educational grant from

Bristol Myers Squibb

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Tal Oren, MD, PhD

Stamford Hospital
Stamford, Connecticut

Tal Oren, MD, PhD, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Alexa J. Siddon, MD

Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Hematopathology Fellowship Director
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut

Alexa J. Siddon, MD, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Cecilia Yeung, MD

Associate Professor
Clinical Research Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

Cecilia Yeung, MD: consultant/advisor/speaker: Twinstrands; researcher: OBI, Sensei.