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Expert Insights on Key Data From ASH 2020 on Acute and Chronic Leukemias

Conference Coverage
Podcast Episodes
Experts discuss results and implications from 3 of the key studies in acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia from the virtual Hematology 2020 meeting, including magrolimab in AML, the STAMP inhibitor asciminib in CML (the ASCEMBL trial), and optimal dosing for ponatinib in CML (the OPTIC trial).

Released: February 26, 2021

Expiration: February 25, 2022



Jorge Cortes

Jorge Cortes, MD

Professor of Medicine
Deputy Chair, Department of Leukemia
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Eunice S. Wang

Eunice S. Wang, MD

Chief, Leukemia and Benign Hematology Service
Professor of Oncology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by educational grants from

Amgen, Inc.


Bristol Myers Squibb

Epizyme, Inc.


Incyte Corporation

Janssen Biotech

Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc.


PharmaEssentia Corp


Takeda Oncology

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Jorge Cortes, MD

Professor of Medicine
Deputy Chair, Department of Leukemia
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Eunice S. Wang, MD

Chief, Leukemia and Benign Hematology Service
Professor of Oncology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York