SGO 2022: GynOnc
Expert Insight on Key Data From SGO 2022 Informing Treatment for Endometrial, Ovarian, and Cervical Cancers

Released: May 19, 2022

Expiration: May 18, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, David Scott Miller, MD, FACOG, FACS, and Angeles Alvarez Secord, MD, MHSc, provide expert insights on key data presented at SGO 2022 for ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancers regarding:

  • Results from the prospective phase III PRIME study of an individualized dose for niraparib vs placebo maintenance in newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer
  • Final OS analysis from phase III SOLO-3 evaluating olaparib vs physician’s choice of single-agent nonplatinum chemotherapy in gBRCAm platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer
  • Results from the phase III SORAYA trial of mirvetuximab soravtansine, an FRα-targeting ADC with a potent tubulin-targeting maytansinoid (DM4) delivered to tumor cells, in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer who had recurrence within 6 months after last platinum dose and had 1-3 prior treatments
  • Results from the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial of selinexor vs placebo as maintenance in patients with stage IV endometrial cancer who had a PR/CR on ≥12 weeks of first-line taxane/carboplatin
  • The results from a cost-effectiveness analysis for the addition of pembrolizumab to chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab in patients with persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer