Optimizing ART With HIV Resistance: Drs Katlama and Taiwo
Christine Katlama and Babafemi Taiwo: Answering the Questions on Optimizing Antiretroviral Therapy in Heavily Treatment–Experienced People With HIV

Released: May 16, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, Christine Katlama, MD, and Babafemi Taiwo, MBBS, discuss optimizing ART for people with HIV who are treatment experienced or failing a current ART regimen, including:

  • Recycling agents from the NRTI, NNRTI, INSTI, and PI classes in salvage ART regimens
  • Maintaining NRTIs in second-line and salvage ART regimens, including the use of 3TC, TFV, and ABC
  • ART regimen simplification
  • When to perform genotypic resistance testing, including for PWH who have been off ART
  • When to perform DNA genotyping for archived resistance testing
  • Considering LA CAB + RPV with prior NNRTI exposure, ART resistance, or past adherence concerns with oral ART
  • Using boosted DRV + DTG in salvage regimens
  • Switching from boosted PIs to INSTIs in PWH receiving second-line therapy
  • Second-line regimens with LA CAB + RPV failure