Managing Rett Syndrome1


Rett Syndrome Today: Current Options for Symptom Management

Nurses: 0.50 Nursing contact hour, including 0.50 hour of pharmacotherapy credit 

Pharmacists: 0.50 contact hour (0.05 CEUs)

Physicians: Maximum of 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 0.50 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Released: March 02, 2023

Expiration: March 01, 2024


Course Completed

Rett syndrome affects many organ systems, and each patient has individual symptoms and experiences—there is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment approach. In this podcast episode, Rett syndrome experts David N. Lieberman, MD, PhD, and Shannon Standridge, DO, MPH, discuss some of the more common manifestations of Rett syndrome and current management strategies. While covering manifestations such as epilepsy, behavioral issues, and gastrointestinal distress, they highlight the value of a team approach to help the patient thrive. Throughout their conversation, Drs Lieberman and Standridge weave in real-world examples of interactions they have had with families of patients with Rett syndrome and offer insights on communication strategies for different aspects of management.