Podcast: Adolescents
Key Decisions in HIV Care: Initiating Timely ART in a Newly Diagnosed Adolescent

Released: September 23, 2021

Expiration: September 22, 2022


Course Completed

In this episode, Jason Halperin, MD, MPH, explores the data to support rapid ART initiation in adolescent patients.

Listen as he gives his perspectives on:

  • DHHS and IAS-USA guidelines for rapid initiation and specific recommendations for adolescents and young adults
  • CrescentCare data comparing the virologic outcomes for patients 18-24 years of age compared with those aged 25 years or older
  • Data to suggest that rapid ART upholds equity

In addition, hear his patient’s perspective on the importance of rapid initiation of ART to prevent transmission to others and the burden it lifted for him.