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Slides on The Promise of Individualized HIV Prevention: Future Formulations and Dosing Intervals for Long-Acting PrEP

Slideset Download
Consider expert perspectives on the different antiretroviral drug formulations and dosing strategies in various stages of clinical development for long-acting HIV PrEP—advances that collectively offer the potential for highly individualized approaches to HIV biomedical prevention.

Released: October 15, 2021

Expiration: October 14, 2022



Nicholas Chamberlain

Nicholas Chamberlain, MD

Medical Director
AHF Healthcare Center - Atlanta Midtown
Department of Medicine
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia

Provided by

Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by an educational grant from

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Nicholas Chamberlain, MD

Medical Director
AHF Healthcare Center - Atlanta Midtown
Department of Medicine
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia