Obesity as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor: Assessment and Management

Obesity is a growing public health crisis. Obesity directly and indirectly (through comorbid conditions) leads to CVD, HF, and conduction defects that cause arrhythmias such as AF and SCD. Multiple guidelines for are available for managing obesity. All have similar recommendations to begin with lifestyle changes and counseling, with the addition of pharmacotherapy if needed. Most patients, especially those with severe obesity and/or comorbid conditions, will need long-term pharmacotherapy. Recent trials have shown clear benefits of weight loss on cardiac disease and CV comorbidities. Newer agents approved for managing obesity had positive CV outcomes in diabetes trials and there are ongoing CV outcomes trials for weight loss medications.


Program Content


  • Assessment and Management
    Obesity as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor: Assessment and Management
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: December 14, 2022

    Expires: December 14, 2023

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