2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting *

June 1-5, 2018; Chicago, Illinois
This program provides coverage of the 2018 ASCO annual meeting with summary slidesets and expert analyses of key results in gastrointestinal cancers, gynecologic cancers, skin cancer, cancer immunotherapy, genitourinary cancers, hematologic malignancies, breast cancer, and lung cancer.


Program Content


Key Studies ASCO 2018
An Expert’s Guide to ASCO 2018: A Preview of the Top Abstracts
Clinical Thought
Conference Coverage
Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

Released: May 31, 2018

Expires: May 30, 2019


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Tanios Bekaii-Saab, MD, FACP

David F. and Margaret T. Grohne Professor of Novel Therapeutics for Cancer Research I
Chair and Consultant, Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
Mayo Clinic in Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona

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John M. Burke, MD

Associate Chair
US Oncology Hematology Research Program
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers
Aurora, Colorado

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Elias Jabbour, MD

Assistant Professor
Department of Leukemia
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

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Shaji K. Kumar, MD

Mark and Judy Mullins Professor of Hematological Malignancies
Consultant, Division of Hematology
Professor of Medicine
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota

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Daniel P. Petrylak, MD

Professor of Medicine
Smilow Cancer Center
Yale University Medical Center
New Haven, Connecticut

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Elizabeth Plimack, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
Associate Member
Medical Oncology
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Thomas Stinchcombe, MD

Medical Oncologist
Thoracic Oncology Program
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina

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Anne S. Tsao, MD

Associate Professor
Mesothelioma Program
Director, Thoracic Chemo-Radiation Program
Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology
Division of Cancer Medicine
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

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*CCO is an independent medical education company that provides state-of-the-art medical information to healthcare professionals through conference coverage and other educational programs.