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CMV Infection After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Emerging Strategies for Prevention and Management

Clinical Thought
How might emerging investigational agents change the management of CMV infection in the post–hematopoietic cell transplantation setting? Here’s my take.

Released: September 06, 2017

Expiration: September 05, 2018



Roy F. Chemaly

Roy F. Chemaly, MD, MPH

Professor of Medicine
Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, and Employee Health
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Provided by

Jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Clinical Care Options, LLC
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Supported by an educational grant from

Merck & Co., Inc.

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Roy F. Chemaly, MD, MPH

Professor of Medicine
Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, and Employee Health
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Roy F. Chemaly, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Astellas, Chimerix, Merck, and Oxford Immunotec and funds for research support from Chimerix, Merck, and Novartis.