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New Antiangiogenic Options for Patients With Advanced NSCLC

Clinical Thought
The expanding treatment landscape in advanced NSCLC makes it more challenging to choose second-line therapy for our patients. In this ClinicalThought, I provide my perspectives on the new antiangiogenic therapies.

Released: March 22, 2016

Expiration: March 21, 2017



Giorgio V. Scagliotti

Giorgio V. Scagliotti, MD, PhD

Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
University of Turin - AOU S. Luigi Gonzaga
Head, Thoracic Oncology Unit
S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital
Orbassano-Torino, Italy

Provided by

Jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Clinical Care Options, LLC
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This activity is supported by educational grants from

Boehringer Ingelheim

Genentech BioOncology


Novartis Oncology

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Giorgio V. Scagliotti, MD, PhD

Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
University of Turin - AOU S. Luigi Gonzaga
Head, Thoracic Oncology Unit
S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital
Orbassano-Torino, Italy

Giorgio Scagliotti, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Clovis Oncology, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and Roche.