ProCE Banner Activity

The Premise and Promise of Rovalpituzumab Tesirine, a New Antibody–Drug Conjugate, in Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Clinical Thought
Rova-T achieved high response rates in a phase I clinical trial of patients with recurrent SCLC, particularly those with high DLL3 expression. Here’s my take on the promise of Rova T in this patient population.

Released: November 03, 2017

Expiration: November 02, 2018



Daniel Morgensztern

Daniel Morgensztern, MD

Assistant Professor
Division of Oncology
Department of Medicine
Washington University
St Louis, Missouri

Provided by

Jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Clinical Care Options, LLC
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This activity is supported by educational grants from


Bristol Myers Squibb

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Daniel Morgensztern, MD

Assistant Professor
Division of Oncology
Department of Medicine
Washington University
St Louis, Missouri

Daniel Morgensztern, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Celgene.