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Gaps in Clinicians’ Knowledge of MACRA, the Quality Payment Program, and the Role of CME


In 2015, Congress passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), ushering in one of the largest changes in healthcare reimbursement from the federal government, the largest single payer in the United States. For the estimated 600,000 eligible clinicians providing care under Medicare Part B, MACRA has significant implications for their reimbursement. This White Paper summarizes the changes and presents new CCO survey data that illuminate clinicians’ challenges in understanding how these complex changes may affect their practice as well as the role of continuing medical education (CME) in meeting the new requirements that MACRA introduces.

Released: September 13, 2018

Expiration: September 12, 2019


Additional Information

Tradd Sanderson
Director of Marketing
Clinical Care Options
Telephone: 855.224.2241