eCase: 3 Patients With TD


Practice-based Simulation: TD Management in 3 Patients

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Pharmacists: 1.00 contact hour (0.1 CEUs)

Psychologists: 1.00 APA CE Credit

Social Workers: 1.00 ASWB ACE CE Credit

Physicians: Maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Nurse Practitioners/Nurses: 1.00 Nursing contact hour, including 1.00 hour of pharmacotherapy credit 

Released: December 30, 2022

Expiration: December 29, 2023


Course Completed

Case 1: Introduction

Marian Marian is a 63-year-old teacher who was referred to your office by her primary care physician for evaluation and management of depression and anxiety. She mentions that she started taking aripiprazole 15 mg daily and paroxetine 20 mg daily 2 months ago as prescribed by her primary care physician for treatment of depression. Her depressive symptoms have since improved, and she would like to continue both medications. However, at a follow-up visit a few weeks later, you notice an obvious rhythmic tremor of her hands at rest, which is greater on the right side. She is right-handed and complains that the tremor interferes with her writing on the blackboard and marking exams at school, and she worries it is a sign of “getting old.”