Mycophenolate Risk Mitigation


Taking the Patient-Centered Approach to Mycophenolate Risk Mitigation

Pharmacists: 1.00 contact hour (0.1 CEUs)

Physician Assistants/Physician Associates: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit

Physicians: maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Nurses: 1.00 Nursing contact hour of which 1.00 are eligible for pharmacology credit

Released: February 25, 2025

Expiration: May 29, 2025


1 2
Course Completed


In this module, Diana Girnita, MD, PhD; Cara D. Dolin, MD, MPH; and Jennifer Simpson, DNP, discuss emerging data and best practices for managing the risks and optimizing the use of mycophenolate in female patients of reproductive potential.

The key points discussed in this module are illustrated with thumbnails from the accompanying PowerPoint slideset, which can be downloaded by clicking any of the slide thumbnails in the module alongside the expert commentary. 

Clinical Care Options plans to measure the educational impact of this activity. Some questions will be asked twice: once at the beginning of the activity and then once again after the discussion that informs the best choice. Your responses will be aggregated for analysis, and your specific responses will not be shared. 

Before continuing with this educational activity, please take a moment to answer the following questions.

Have you prescribed a mycophenolate in the past 12 months?

Mycophenolic acid products are immunosuppressants approved by the FDA for use in which of these conditions?

In female transplant recipients receiving mycophenolate for prophylaxis of organ rejection, fetal exposure resulted in:

How should a patient report a pregnancy that occurs while on mycophenolate therapy?

For patients on mycophenolate medication who are thinking about having a baby, the best option would be to: