

Program Content


  • CLL and MCL: ASCO 2022
    Our Thoughts on the Implications of New Data in CLL and MCL From ASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: June 30, 2022

    Expires: June 29, 2023

  • LLC et LCM : ASCO 2022
    Nos réflexions sur les implications des nouvelles données concernant la LLC et le LCM après l’ASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 12, 2022

    Expires: July 11, 2023

  • CLL und MCL: ASCO 2022
    Unsere Überlegungen zu den Auswirkungen der neuen Daten zu CLL und MCL von der Jahrestagung der ASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 12, 2022

    Expires: July 11, 2023

  • LLC e MCL: ASCO 2022
    Le nostre considerazioni riguardo alle implicazioni dei nuovi dati su LLC e MCL emersi dallASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 12, 2022

    Expires: July 11, 2023

  • LLC e LCM: ASCO 2022
    Nossas reflexões sobre as Implicações dos novos dados em LLC e LCM da ASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 12, 2022

    Expires: July 11, 2023

  • LLC y LCM: ASCO 2022
    Reflexiones sobre las novedades sobre LLC y LCM presentadas en ASCO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 12, 2022

    Expires: July 11, 2023

  • CLL and MCL: EHA 2022
    New Data on BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL: Experts Discuss EHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: July 20, 2022

    Expires: July 19, 2023

  • LLC et LCM : EHA 2022
    Nouvelles données sur les inhibiteurs de BTK pour la LLC et le LCM : Des experts discutent de l’EHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 15, 2022

    Expires: August 14, 2023

  • CLL und MCL: EHA 2022
    Neue Daten zu BTK-Inhibitoren für CLL und MCL: Expertendiskussion EHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 15, 2022

    Expires: August 14, 2023

  • CLL e MCL: EHA 2022
    Nuovi dati sugli inibitori di BTK nella CLL e MCL: gli esperti discutono lEHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 15, 2022

    Expires: August 14, 2023

  • LLC e LCM: EHA 2022
    Novos dados sobre os inibidores de BTK para LLC e LCM: especialistas discutem o EHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 15, 2022

    Expires: August 14, 2023

  • LLC y LCM: EHA 2022
    Nuevos datos sobre inhibidores de QBT para la LLC y el LCM: expertos hablan sobre la EHA 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 15, 2022

    Expires: August 14, 2023

  • CLL and MCL: 2022 Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
    Insights on New Data With BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL From the 2022 Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 23, 2022

    Expires: August 22, 2023

  • LLC et LCM : Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference de 2022
    Aperçu des nouvelles données sur les inhibiteurs de la BTK pour le traitement de la LLC et du LCM lors de la Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference de 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 30, 2022

    Expires: August 29, 2023

  • CLL und MCL: Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference 2022
    Einblicke in neue Daten zu BTK-Inhibitoren bei CLL und MCL aus der Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 31, 2022

    Expires: August 30, 2023

  • CLL e MCL: Conferenza Pan Pacific Lymphoma 2022
    Approfondimenti sui nuovi dati relativi agli inibitori di BTK per la CLL e lMCL emersi dalla Conferenza Pan Pacific Lymphoma del 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: August 31, 2022

    Expires: August 30, 2023

  • FAQ: BTKis for CLL/MCL
    International Experts Address HCP Questions on BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: October 19, 2022

    Expires: October 18, 2023

  • FAQ: BTKis for CLL/MCL
    International Experts Address HCP Questions on BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 01, 2022

    Expires: October 31, 2023

  • FAQ: BTKis for CLL/MCL
    International Experts Address HCP Questions on BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 02, 2022

    Expires: November 01, 2023

  • FAQ: BTKis for CLL/MCL
    International Experts Address HCP Questions on BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 02, 2022

    Expires: November 01, 2023

  • CLL and MCL: SOHO 2022 Annual Meeting
    Insights on New Data With BTK Inhibitors for CLL and MCL From the SOHO 2022 Annual Meeting
    Clinical Thought
    Conference Coverage
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 16, 2022

    Expires: November 15, 2023

  • CLL und MCL: Jahresversammlung der SOHO 2022
    Einblicke in neue Daten zu BTK-Inhibitoren bei CLL und MCL der Jahresversammlung der SOHO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 28, 2022

    Expires: November 27, 2023

  • CLL e MCL: Conferenza annuale della SOHO 2022
    Approfondimenti sui nuovi dati relativi agli inibitori di BTK per il trattamento della leucemia linfatica cronica (CLL) e del linfoma mantellare (MCL) come emersi dalla Conferenza annuale della SOHO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 28, 2022

    Expires: November 27, 2023

  • LLC y LCM: Junta Anual de SOHO 2022
    Conclusiones sobre los nuevos datos relativos a los inhibidores de la TQB para LLC y LCM de la Junta Anual de SOHO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

    Released: November 28, 2022

    Expires: November 27, 2023

  • LLC e LCM: Conferência Pan-Pacífico sobre Linfomas 2022
    Insights sobre novos dados com inibidores de BTK para LLC e LCM da edição 2022 da Conferência Pan-Pacífico sobre Linfomas (Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference)
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022
  • LLC y LCM: Conferencia del Pacífico sobre el Linfoma de 2022
    Conclusiones sobre los nuevos datos relativos a los inhibidores de la TQB para LLC y LCM de la Conferencia del Pacífico sobre el Linfoma de 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022
  • LLC et LCM : réunion annuelle de la SOHO 2022
    Aperçu des nouvelles données sur les inhibiteurs BTK pour le traitement de la LLC et du LCM à l’occasion de la réunion annuelle de la SOHO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022
  • LLC e LCM: Reunião Anual da SOHO 2022
    Insights sobre novos dados com inibidores de BTK para LLC e LCM da Reunião Anual da SOHO 2022
    Clinical Thought
    Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022


cover img faculity

Othman Al-Sawaf, MD

Hematologist & Medical Oncologist
Principal Investigator
University Hospital of Cologne
German CLL Study Group
Cologne, Germany

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Matthew S. Davids, MD, MMSc

Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Director of Clinical Research
Division of Lymphoma
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, Massachusetts

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Toby A Eyre, MBChB, MD

Hematology Consultant
Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Oxford
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Oxford, United Kingdom

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Christopher R. Flowers, MD, MS

Department Chair
Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma, Division of Cancer Medicine
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

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Brad S. Kahl, MD

Skoronski Chair of Lymphoma Research
Associate Director for Clinical Research
UW Carbone Cancer Center
University of Wisconsin School of Public Health
Madison, Wisconsin

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Kami Maddocks, MD

Professor-Clinical, Division of Hematology
Director, Lymphoma Program
Associate Division Director for Ambulatory Operations, Division of Hematology
Medical Director, Infusion Services
Associate Chief Medical Officer, The James Cancer Hospital
Chief of Staff – Elect, The James Cancer Hospital
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute
Columbus, Ohio

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Anthony Mato, MD, MSCE

Associate Professor
Division of Leukemia
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York

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Lydia Scarfò, MD

Assistant Professor
Internal Medicine
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Consultant Hematologist
Strategic Research Program on CLL
Milan, Italy

cover img faculity

Julie M. Vose, MD

Neumann M. and Mildred E. Harris Professor
, Section of Hematology/Oncology
Professor of Medicine
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, Nebraska

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